Tuesday, June 12, 2012


We went to Somerset Mall!  WE went there because for Megan's B-day she got a gift certificate to Build a Bear work-shop!   But as you know Malls are always attracting you to different stores. So we first stopped bu Clare's, Then the Lego shop, then Justis.  Finally to Build-a-bear work-shop!

Us matching!( not the shorsts)

   At Justis Megan and I got matching clothes!! I thought Jessica would feel left out so I gave her some money! She bought a travel glasses case ( I think only to bring to the beach and pool! :-) )!  We had a great time! 

              We stayed there for  4 hours!(witch felt like a minuit, we had so much fun!)           
                       We went to  the best stores ever!


Erica said...

What stores? What did you buy?

Amy said...

I added in more sorry! :-(

Erica said...

Don't be sorry!

MJ said...

Are those shopping genes kicking in? It is a dangerous hobby.

Amy said...

I know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:-)

Amy said...
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jpk said...

matching clothes, super fun!

jpk said...

Matching clothes, super fun! and you two look great. :-)

Mary and Justin said...

What is your favorite store? Justice? Do you still like American Girls?